“773 thousand people have already filled out the National Consultation questionnaire on the protection of families”, the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister’s Parliamentary State Secretary Csaba Dömötör said in a statement to public media on Wednesday.

According to the State Secretary, the major willingness to participate also indicates this is an issue that determines our everyday lives and our future, and which stands above party political struggles.

No tangible proposals were received from the opposition, unfortunately, who instead attacked the Consultation, he added. According to Mr. Dömötör, the reason for this is most probably that they are already against the current family support system, similarly to the way in which they also attacked the system of tax cuts and the Home Creation Programme during the election campaign.

“This also means that by taking part in the consultation we can not only lay down the foundations for future measures, but can also stand up in defence of the existing family support measures”, he stressed.

The State Secretary encouraged everyone to take part in the Consultation, the final deadline for which is 21 December.