This year 13,000 people have tried to enter Hungary illegally, while last year during the whole year only 6,000 attempted to do so.

On the Saturday evening programme of the public service television news channel M1, Chief Security Advisor to the Prime Minister György Bakondi said one can observe an enormous increase in activity on the Croatian-Hungarian, Romanian-Hungarian and Ukrainian-Hungary borders.

It is also a fact that the number of illegal migrants in Serbia is on the increase, and they want to move on in the direction of Hungary, he added.

The chief advisor was asked about the fact that migrants in Serbia spoke about Hungary in a threatening tone. Mr Bakondi highlighted that migrants are being moved around by criminal and people smuggling organisations. They must have told migrants that “Western Europe will welcome them” and on their way to Western Europe, Hungary is an obstacle.

Mr Bakondi pointed out that there is no point in threatening Hungary. At the same time, he reassured members of the Hungarian public that “law enforcement agencies are ready – following the provisions of the law – to defend the Hungarian border against any attack”.