In response to a demonstration organised by Modern Hungary Movement against the proposed amendment to the Fundamental Law, Minister of State Csaba Dömötör said that the aim of the measure is to enable the Government to protect the country in case the threat of terrorism arises.

Mr. Dömötör pointed out that if the draft legislation was approved, the Government could announce an emergency situation in case a terrorist attack is committed or the threat of terrorism arises, and the Defence Forces could support the Police in ensuring security.

The Minister of State emphasised that “this amendment is not more or less than the possibilities other EU Governments have” in similar cases.

The number one priority for the Government is the safety of Hungary’s citizens, he stressed, pointing out that as a result of the unlimited and uncontrolled migration, the threat of terrorism has also increased in Europe.

Talking about the reactions from the opposition Mr. Dömötör said that “we are used to the irresponsible attitude of the Left wing”: they have underestimated the threats related to migration, they did not support the introduction of tighter regulations or the establishment of the border barrier along Hungary’s southern borders, and they still do not support the fight against terrorism. We believe that this attitude is dangerous, he said, adding that Jobbik’s position is also against the interest of Hungarian citizens; “the only ones who might be happy about it are terrorists”.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister)