“The Government is asking Fidesz-KDNP MEPs to take all possible action against the European adoption of migrant visas”, Csaba Dömötör said on Kossuth Radio on Sunday morning.

The Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister’s Parliamentary State Secretary stressed that EU leaders want to ignore what has happened in Europe over the past three years. “Dozens of proposals and statements prove that EU institutions want to finalise an institutional system that would make the migration aimed at Europe legal”, he explained, and added:

“In Brussels, they want to make migration permanent, not stop it,

and one of the central elements of this package of measures is the migrant visa”.

The Minister of State pointed out that the proposal on migrant visas is already on the European Parliament’s agenda, and although it did not receive a majority a few weeks ago, those who submitted it are not settling for the result and want to call a new vote in the near future.

“The system of migrant visas is in harmony with the UN Global Compact for Migration in that it regards migration as a kind of fundamental right”, he highlighted.

There is currently a pro-immigration majority in the European Parliament, as a result of which “we are facing a significant migrant package”, Mr. Dömötör said, citing as an example the fact that

Brussels wants to introduce a so-called blue card to

attract workers to Europe, wants to remove border protection and asylum procedures from a national sphere of competence, and plans to double the budget for migration during the upcoming 7-year multiannual financial framework, in addition to which “they still haven’t binned the resettlement quota proposal”.

The Minister of State confirmed that the upcoming EU elections will be the most important so far, with the security of the continent at stake.

“We need a clean slate in European migration politics,

and an opportunity must be acquired by those who, for instance, would like to remedy demographics problems through reinforcing families, and not migration”, he explained.

Mr. Dömötör pointed out to opposition MEPs that according to Eurobarometer’s poll of EU citizens, migration is the most important issue on the continent, and affects all other areas of politics.

With relation to this, the State Secretary stressed that the political map is changing, with the supporters of national self-determination and an open society standing in opposition to one another, and the dispute between them overwriting the usual party-political fault lines.

He said

the Government would like the Fidesz-KDNP’s European ally,

the European People’s Party, to practice more determined politics in future and “reinforce its own roots”.

The State Secretary also spoke about the fact that according to domestic feedback many people are participating in the National Consultation on protecting families, and the Government will be expanding the existing family support system based on the results.

(MTI / kormany.hu)