The government treats the coronavirus epidemic as a top priority, the Operational Corps is operating around the clock. In Hungary we are still unaware of any coronavirus patients; however, we cannot rule out the possibility that the virus might arrive here as well, given that it is appearing in countries ever closer to Hungary. The epicentre is located in North Italy.

To prevent an epidemic, we need everybody’s cooperation and responsible conduct. Therefore, we wish to draw citizens’ attention to the following in particular:

1) The most important advice is that you should not travel to infected areas.

2) If you do so nonetheless you should register with the Consular Services so that we know about you and are able to contact you in the event of an emergency.

3) If you come back to Hungary from an infected area, you should abstain from going to public places and should monitor yourself. If you detect any of the symptoms – such as fever, coughing, sore throat or fatigue – you should stay at home, and contact your general practitioner by telephone, or call the toll-free number 06 80/277-455 or 06 80/277-456.

4) If you stay at home you should also look out for your family members. You should stay away from others as much as possible.

5) Washing your hands is very important, in particular in every instance when you have been to places frequented by many people, e.g. after using public transport.

6) Parents should keep their children off school for 2 weeks if they have recently been to North Italy.

7) Workers who have recently been to North Italy should also stay at home. In this we seek the cooperation of companies and employers in general.

8) University students who have recently been to North Italy should likewise stay at home.

9) It is also important to pay attention to others. If you know about anyone around you – whether Hungarian or foreign nationals – who have been to infected areas, ask them to stay at home and to abstain from attending public places, and call your general practitioner or the toll-free number.

10) If the suspicion of coronavirus infection is confirmed in your case, please cooperate with the authorities.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister)