The Belgian Prime Minister’s quota threat also designates the primary stakes of the elections, namely whether Hungary will become an immigrant country or not, Csaba Dömötör, Parliamentary State Secretary of the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister said on the programme Sunday Paper (Vasárnapi újság) of Kossuth Radio.

He added that the government will continue its fight “in every dimension of warfare” to ensure that Hungary will not become an immigrant country.

Too many people have fought for our culture and freedom only for us to surrender them now. The formula is clear inasmuch as we are perfectly aware of the position of opposition parties, Mr Dömötör said, adding that practically the entire opposition is pro-immigration and pro-surrender.

Either they would happily implement all the plans conceived in Brussels, or would gather together all the white cloths they can get their hands on in order to capitulate and yield to the pressure exerted, he said.

“Regrettably, the situation is that every opposition MP has a bolt cutter in their pocket. If they had a chance, they would use it, too”, the Parliamentary State Secretary said. In his view, they try to deny this cunningly in vain: everyone remembers how ferociously they attacked the border fence.

Mr Dömötör said that the Belgian Prime Minister’s statement proves that they would launch the mandatory resettlement programme as early as this summer, and would wish to do so over the heads of the Visegrád countries. This also means that the exertion of pressure has reached a new level as they now send messages not only behind the scenes, but level open threats at the Visegrád countries and those who say no to the resettlement quotas, he pointed out.

He highlighted that the debate on the resettlement quotas is in its most intensive phase, and the proposals now on the agenda are far more dangerous as they seek to introduce a distribution scheme without an upper limit. This is out of the question; several national consultations and a referendum set in stone the will of the Hungarian people. The Hungarian people do not want to hear about any resettlement schemes, and the will of the Hungarian people is binding on us, he underlined.

He also pointed out that the position of the Visegrád Four is unchanged: they are against the resettlement quotas. The Parliamentary State Secretary believes that there will be a keen legal debate. The European Parliament has already approved the mandatory resettlement quotas, the European Commission is also in favour of the quotas, and the only chance to frustrate these plans is in the European Council comprised of the representatives of national governments. It is therefore no mere coincidence that the Belgian Prime Minister is seeking to issue an ultimatum, he indicated.

Mr Dömötör said that the significance of various UN documents and positions lies in that they serve as points of reference for other international organisations, meaning that their contents may well emerge in proposed Brussels legislation. The current UN draft is a source of threat in the context of migration as it looks upon settlement as a kind of basic right: everyone may live where they want to, everyone may settle down in the country of their choice, and nation states must accept this, Mr Dömötör explained.

They would create legal routes for migration, and would involve non-governmental organisations in the work related to migration; these are issues which are also featured in the proposals approved by the European Parliament. One thing is certain, however: we are unable to accept any convention or regulation that would render immigration a natural phenomenon that cannot be stopped, and would jeopardise the country’s security interests, Mr Dömötör pointed out.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)