In addition to the ongoing intensification of the pressure of migration, we must also take account of the consequences of the coronavirus epidemic, and so at this time border protection is more important than ever, the spokesperson for the Government Communication Centre stated on Thursday.

At a press conference held at the Bácsalmás border protection fence, Örs Farkas said in addition to protecting the Hungarian people’s security, we must also protect the Hungarian people’s health.

He stressed that in Turkey, Greece, North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Serbia and Bosnia, the presence of migrants added to the rise in the number of coronavirus infections, and at this point in these countries, stopping the epidemic is posing a problem.

At the same time, according to the spokesperson, the European Union’s intentions have not changed in recent years as “one can see that – exploiting the opportunities offered by the coronavirus pandemic – they are tabling regulations and proposals which are aimed at the continued organisation of migration and the adoption of mandatory distribution quotas”. Additionally, the Court of Justice of the European Union is adopting judgments which condemn countries that are fighting against migration; it is enough to mention the judgment adopted against Hungary in connection with the transit zones, he added.

Mr Farkas highlighted that therefore today it is especially important for “the government take an effective stance against the Brussels bureaucracy, with the mandate and support of the Hungarian people”. He asked everyone to complete the national consultation questionnaire – one of the questions of which specifically relates to this topic – and to send it back to the government.

Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Defence Szilárd Németh stressed that it is now obvious that “illegal migration goes hand in hand with the coronavirus”. Therefore, the most important duties of the four Bács-Kiskun County border protection units are to protect the Hungarian and European borders – meaning in practical terms the protection of the Schengen borders –, to preserve the security of the lives and property of Hungarian citizens, and to guarantee the country’s internal peace, he added.

He stressed that 23 per cent of migrants arriving at the shores of Sicily and tested there were found to be infected with the coronavirus. It is therefore quite evident that, in addition to detaining illegal migrants, border protection also serves health protection and disease control safety, he underlined.

The State Secretary said up to 1 July this year, 10,747 persons have been detained at the border, meaning fifty persons a day on average. At the same time, in the past thirty days, this average has risen to seventy-five which is an extremely great risk during the epidemic caused by the coronavirus, he pointed out.

He said the personnel protecting the border are carrying out border protection and patrolling duties with dogs, and almost five hundred vehicles of the Hungarian Defence Forces are at their disposal. They can now even gather aerial intelligence as, in addition to Mi-24 attack helicopters, Hungary’s newest H145M versatile, multi-purpose helicopters have also been deployed as part of these operations.

Mr Németh highlighted that today illegal migrants arriving at the temporary border fence are extremely well-organised and well-prepared. Rather than arriving in large groups, they approach the fence in scattered groups. They monitor the movements of border guards with motion detectors, and use game cameras. In addition to land, groups of migrants are also attempting to enter the country ever more frequently by water; however, so far all migrants arriving in rubber boats via the River Tisza, River Maros and Ferenc Canal have been apprehended, he stated.

Fidesz Member of Parliament for the constituency Gábor Bányai said before 2015 the area around Bácsalmás was “an open passageway” as alien populations heading for Europe continuously arrived via Hungary’s Southern borders. However, while people in the past voiced concerns for their personal safety, today they inform him that since the construction of the border fence and the reinstatement of border protection, Bács-Kiskun County’s affected part has become safe. For this they should be grateful to the soldiers and police officers protecting them and their country, he highlighted.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister / MTI)