Minister of State for Government Communication said that Brussels has not abandoned the idea of mandatory relocation; therefore, the action to step up against it on a European and national level is supported by the will of those 3.3 million people who said “no” to the quotas at the 2 October referendum.

At a press conference in Kaposvár on Saturday, Mr. Tuzson pointed out that parliamentary groups are expected to support the proposed constitutional amendment in the National Assembly.

He reiterated that the Government wishes to consult with every party, listen to their constructive proposals, since two third of the MPs’ ‘yes’ vote is needed for the amendment, and added that the National Assembly may adopt the changes on 8 November.

Mr. Tuzson indicated, however, that the MSZP did not attend the consultation on the issue in spite of the fact that its members previously said that even if they had not supported the referendum, they would back draft legislation connected to the issue if there would be any. According to Mr. Tuzson, by taking this step, the socialists have said no to the will of 3.3 million people.

He also added that a new unity has been established for Hungary at the referendum and not followers of specific political parties belong to this unity, but those people who have stood up for themselves, their children, their grandchildren and the future of Hungary.

The Government and every party must have the will of this unity validated, and parliament must also stand up for this unity, which is the reason why the Prime Minister decided to submit the constitutional amendment, he said.

Mr. Tuzson recalled that the most important part of the constitutional amendment is to prevent non-Hungarian citizens from being relocated to Hungary. Another essential element is that everyone, every organ of the state has the duty to preserve and protect the self-identity of Hungary. This means that we love our country as it is now, and this is how we would like to pass it on our descendants, he said.

In addition to the constitutional amendment, the further strengthening of the southern border section is needed in order to ensure the safety of Hungary in the long term including the maintenance of continuous protection of the border because migration pressure is not expected to ease in the next twenty-thirty years, he underlined.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)