George Soros’s ships are transporting people arriving from Africa to Europe ‘in a routine manner’, despite the fact that these people should not have been allowed entry according to European regulations”, the Minister heading the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister said on Kossuth Radio’s “Sunday Paper” show.

Antal Rogán explained: “It would represent an even greater danger than the resettlement quotas if Brussels were to decide which of the people arriving in Europe count as refugees”.

“Migration is causing major problems for countries that admit hundreds of thousands or millions of people, and it represents a danger to Central Europe in view of Europe’s open borders”, he stressed. “For this reason Hungary does not want to become a state that admits migrants, and it cannot be forced to do so in view of the fact that it did not undertake to do so when it joined the EU, and never will”, he added. He stated that over the upcoming months in EU decision-making the Government will also be representing the position according to which the distribution of migrants is not a solution; their problems should be put in order in their homelands with EU support instead of bringing those problems to Europe and spreading them throughout the EU’s member states.

The Minister stressed that it is not Hungary that has violated European laws and regulations, but the organisations of George Soros, and furthermore with the support of Brussels. “Instead of representing the interests of its member states, the EU’s leadership is engaged in politics that is in line with the ideology of a United States of Europe, which has never been adopted by anyone,”, he said.

Mr. Rogán said it was shocking that George Soros’s ships are transporting people arriving from Africa to Europe “in a routine manner” despite the fact that these people should not have been allowed entry according to European regulations. In the Minister’s view, member states should act similarly to Italy, which last week did not allow a ship of this kind to dock, and asylum-related issues should be examined in the first safe country that migrants enter.

He said that in his opinion the ship belonging to the Soros-funded NGO should return to Africa. “The correct principle is to provide financial assistance to the countries from which migrants arrive, instead of bringing the trouble to Europe and spreading it to every European country”, Mr. Rogán said, adding that this has always been the principle put forward by the Hungarian Government, and this is the principle it will also be representing in European decision-making over the upcoming months.

He also pointed out that a change in the position of European leaders is being forced by European voters, as has already been observed in Austria and partly in Germany, in addition to Italy. “In contrast to Hungary, nowhere else have the people been asked about the mistaken Brussels policy aimed at resettling millions of people in Europe, and accordingly this will be the issue that determines the European Parliament elections in May 2019, causing a ‘panic reaction’ among the European leadership”, he added.

Mr. Rogán objected to the fact that according to the proposal put forward by the European Commission, the EU budget would reduce funding for all areas except migration, which, however, would have three separate funds available. “The budget of the Migration Fund would be significantly expanded, caring for migrants who have already arrived in Europe would be paid for out of the Cohesion Fund, in addition to which monies for so-called external engagement would also serve similar goals, but Brussels will still not be providing funding towards the Hungarian border security fence even retrospectively”, he added. He also noted that it was surprising that the draft budget no longer refers to border protection but to “border management”.

The Minister emphasised that the EU should pay all member states half the costs of their border protection activities, in accordance with which Hungary is requesting 150 billion forints (EUR 465 million) in funding post-2020 to cover part of the expenditure it has incurred to date. He also called for the economic incentivising of the region’s countries, explaining that the countries of the Eurozone have a high budget deficit and a high level of debt, while Central Europe is the continent’s most rapidly developing region.