According to the Prime Minister’s Chief Advisor on Homeland Security, the results of the British referendum also indicate that Brussels must pay much greater attention to the will of the electorate.

Speaking on Hungarian M1 television’s Friday evening current affairs program, Mr. György Bakondi said: Immigration was “undoubtedly” one of the determining factors of the British referendum.

The Hungarian Government has always stressed that illegal immigration will not only have an effect on security, the economy and public health, but will also have an ideological and political effect. “What we witnessed on Thursday was a political effect with serious repercussions”, he added.

The chief security advisor stressed: European security and the Schengen system represent a political, economic and social value that must be protected and which does not permit a “solution involving forced resettlement”. According to Mr. Bakondi’s opinion, the majority of the British public have decided that they want no more of Brussels’ politics of “occasional dictates and interventions”, such as is also characteristic of the immigration issue, but would rather continue independently.

European leaders must react as composed, realist politicians, Mr. Bakondi said, pointing out that we can expect a long negotiating process on the details of Great Britain’s exit from the European Union, which will also include security issues.