Brussels wants to implement the Soros Plan, Bence Tuzson, Minister of State for Government Communication said on Tuesday morning on the public service television news channel M1.

According to the Minister of State, this means that they want to let one million people into the EU, they would dismantle the European borders, and they would likewise change the penal regulations so that criminal acts committed by migrants should come under less stringent consideration.

The ultimate goal of these measures is to change Europe, to “dissolve” the nation states and to replace them with “a European mass”, he added.

In order to stand up against this, a kind of strength is required, the Minister of State said in stating his view, adding that this is one of the purposes of the national consultation.

“We have always shared the view that a government can govern well and can represent interests of any kind well if it is backed up by the will of the Hungarian people”, he stressed.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)