Ahmed H. is not only a violent immigrant; his case reveals that activist groups financed from abroad, typically by George Soros, do not only bring immigrants to Hungary and then support them when they commit crimes, but they even assist them with making money at the expense of taxpayers, the Parliamentary State Secretary at the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister said on the programme Sunday Paper of Kossuth Radio.

On the programme, listeners were reminded that Ahmed H., who was sentenced to five years in prison, is demanding damages worth HUF 8 million due to defamation.

Regarding the lawsuit brought against his Ministry, Csaba Dömötör said it is completely absurd that a criminal wants to make HUF 8 million on the grounds of defamation.

He highlighted that, according to the position of the Hungarian authorities, Ahmed H. cannot stay in Hungary because he poses a threat to the security of the Hungarian people. Therefore, they decided to expel him from the country, Mr Dömötör said, adding that in order for Hungary to be able to do that, it needs reassurances from another country that it will take him in. “As he has a house and a car in Cyprus, and according to some reports, even a yacht, it stands to reason that he should be deported to Cyprus”, he stated.

The Parliamentary State Secretary of the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister underlined that a terrorist cannot freely walk the streets of Hungary, and therefore Ahmed H. will remain in immigration detention until his deportation. He also said that, at the time of the commission of the crime he was charged with, the authorities found eight passports on his person which is an unrealistic scenario in the case of a genuine refugee fearing for his life. According to Mr Dömötör, it is likewise no coincidence that so many of the organisations attacking the government’s immigration policy stood up for him.

The representative of the Cabinet further spoke about the fact that a decision had been adopted in the European Parliament last week about drastically increasing the grants of so-called non-governmental organisations protecting European values and democracy. Based on experiences to date, it is absolutely certain that the vast majority of these grants will end up with organisations supporting immigration, exactly as George Soros predicted in his plan announced a few years ago, he said, observing that the amount in question is the equivalent of some HUF 570 billion.

He stressed that the Hungarian government finds it objectionable that while Brussels provides no grants for the protection of the borders, they are happy to raise the grants of such activist groups. The money of European citizens should not be spent on supporting immigration as that scheme does not enjoy wide social support, he said.

According to Mr Dömötör, this decision of the EP amply demonstrates why there is a need for a change of direction in the Brussels leadership, and why the May EP elections will be the most important European parliamentary elections to date.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)