Communication of the Government Communication Centre

According to economist Gábor Szabados interviewed by the newspaper Népszava, from among the sports events hosted by Hungary, Giro d’Italia is the most precious event in terms of marking value and expenditure because it is effectively a several-hour-long promotional tourism film about Budapest which is viewed by millions world-wide. It is particularly the wealthier that are more likely to visit Budapest after the event.

The Metropolitan Municipality and the organising committee of Giro d’Italia will have to work together in the remaining little more than 100 days in the interest of the successful implementation of the Giro’s Grand Start. Luckily, everyone agrees that the Giro is a great opportunity for Budapest and Hungary, and it is in everyone’s best interests that the event is implemented successfully and smoothly so that we can show the world what a great city Budapest is.

Máriusz Révész

Government Commissioner for an Active Hungary

President of the Organising Committee coordinating the organisation of Giro d’Italia in Hungary