In contrast to the claims of the party Demokratikus Koalíció, the relevant contracts concluded by the government have always been available to members of the public, and the fact that the government regularly orders surveys and polls is also public knowledge. The ministries concerned publish these contracts on the government website in accordance with the relevant regulations; this is how they have proceeded also to date. Surveys cover all current issues concerning politics, public life and everyday life.

As we earlier informed DK’s Members of Parliament submitting enquiries, there is no need for any research in order for anyone to acquaint themselves with George Soros’s plans related to immigration as he himself makes them public. He suggested, among others, that Europe should take in a million immigrants; in the context of the distribution of immigrants, he said that the relevant mechanism should be permanent and mandatory; and he also pointed out that the goal of their plan is to protect immigrants, and national borders constitute the only obstacles. As these plans pose a direct threat to the country’s security, we believe it is important to acquaint ourselves with the opinions of the Hungarian people regarding these issues in multiple ways.

We regret that the party Demokratikus Koalíció continues to pursue an extremist pro-immigration policy, and seeks to prevent a dialogue on this matter. This is, however, hardly surprising from a party which even collected signatures for the resettlement quotas, and voted for them in the European Parliament.