“Immigrants would be assigned to every Hungarian settlement if the compulsory relocation quota was introduced”, the Minister in charge of the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister stressed in an interview to Hungarian daily Magyar Hírlap. In the Monday issue of the paper, Antal Rogán said: “We are in greater danger than we imagine”.


Mr. Rogán drew attention to the fact that even in Germany thousands of immigrants have been settled in towns and villages rather than in migrant camps. “This is clearly also the goal of Brussels in the Member States”, he said, highlighting the fact that the European Parliament would begin debating the quota package in October and based on the ruling they have already brought compulsory relocation would begin in the Member States on 1 December. “This is what we must prevent at the 2 October referendum”, the politician declared.

“People who want to permanently put an end to the quota issue in Hungary must go out and vote no at the referendum”, he said. “If this referendum is not sufficiently conclusive then the debate will certainly continue until 2018”, added Mr. Rogán, according to whom the left is in fact “pro-immigration, and if they ever come to power they would also bow to Brussels’ immigration policies”.

The Minister also pointed out that a resolution on voluntary admittance had already been agreed upon, but was followed by the settlement of 120 thousand people in Europe and now the European Commission is proposing compulsory relocation with no upper limit. “They have also decided to simplify family reunification for migrants, meaning we can easily multiply the number in the quota by three, four or even five”, the Minister explained, adding that “if we multiply the total number of immigrants who have arrived in Europe by this number “then the result is already that we would have to admit tens of thousands of people”.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)