The idea of demolishing the fence erected on the southern border section of Hungary is extremely dangerous as it would jeopardise the security of Hungary and the whole of Europe, Antal Rogán said in Csepel at the forum regarding the national consultation and at the press conference held before it.

The Minister heading the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister said in response to the words of MSZP’s candidate for Prime Minister László Botka: this, too, demonstrates that the left is now clearly in the service of the Soros-type and Brussels immigration policy.

The Minister pointed out that László Botka complains in vain: the Hungarian Government will not change its immigration policy, will not demolish the fence and will not open the transit zone in response to any amount of pressure. Europe must be defended at the borders of Hungary, and the majority of people also support the fence, he said.

In his view, the flow of migrants could not be stopped without the fence, and migrants could flood Hungary and the West onwards uncontrolled. Upon criticising the Brussels immigration policy, he said that it is a mistake to force migration which may convey the threat of terrorism.

Mr Rogán stressed: the questions of the national consultation are becoming increasingly more topical, and the Manchester attack, too, has made it clear that the threat of terrorism has increased in the whole of Europe, to which Hungary is no exception.

He also said that they look upon the answers received in response to the national consultation as votes that confirm and support the Government’s measures. He highlighted that, based on the answers received to date, it is quite evident that those who agree with the Government are in excess of 90 per cent. In his view, based on the number of people who returned the national consultation questionnaires and those attending the demonstrations organised by Soros’s people, it is obvious how many more people support the Government’s immigration policy.

He told the press: 1 million 651 thousand answers have been received so far in response to the national consultation extended to the end of May. 94 per cent of the questionnaires were returned by mail, while the rest via the Internet.

According to his information, Fidesz’s leading politicians, the Government’s Ministers and State Secretaries have in the past month met 28-29 thousand people at forums held in 130 locations, and this, too, indicates the interest in the national consultation.

Mr Rogán stressed at the forum that the Orbán Government will stand up for Hungary’s interests also in the future as it did in the past. They want to stop Brussels’ efforts to extend its powers because no one has given them authorisation to do so and to go against the will of the Member States in a number of areas, he highlighted.

Upon listing the Government’s measures concerning workers, pensioners and families, he said that wages, pensions and the benefits provided for families are being increased in line with the country’s growing economic strength and opportunities.

He said in justification of the new family protection action plan that a great many young people do not have the courage to start a family earlier because they have not yet repaid their student loans, while others are reluctant to have more children because they have their mortgage debts to be repaid.

In answer to a question, he said that the Government has recently decided that the National Security Cabinet should prepare a report on the operation of the NGO network that is “also referred to as the refugee industry” and its national security risks. The goal of this international network is to “move out of the way” the governments which are opposed to unregulated and uncontrolled immigration. To this end, they seek to upset law and order and to make these countries unstable. He mentioned Macedonia as an example where just at a time when migrants should have been stopped, demonstrations were organised in the capital, and as a result, security forces had to be redirected there.

The Minister highlighted: “there are training centres in Hungary where people are being prepared (…), activists whose duty it will be to organise civil disobedience in the autumn. A new phenomenon will follow: if the demonstrations do not work, they will occupy public institutions and banks, with the express purpose of provoking some kind of police attack”. In his view, in the autumn “there will be conscious provocative attempts” with a view to creating political instability in Hungary.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced in his speech in Parliament before the start of ordinary business opening the spring session of Parliament on 20 February that a national consultation will be launched with respect to the sources of threats which Hungary will be compelled to face this year. The postal delivery of the questionnaires to Hungarian households began at the end of March. The six questions of the questionnaire relate to the continued maintenance of the reduction of household utility charges and the job creation programme, the letting in of immigrants, the country’s sovereignty with respect to the reduction of taxes, the activities of international organisations seeking to encourage migration, and the transparency of organisations funded from abroad.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)