It is important that as many diabetes patients as possible should stay at home, continue medications or insulin therapy, and regularly check their blood sugar levels, the President of the Hungarian Diabetes Society stated in a video message posted on the government’s Facebook account.

Péter Kempler stressed that diabetes patients are in a special situation in the event of an epidemic; however, setting the right blood sugar level and a satisfactory metabolic state of diabetes can help reduce the chances of contracting coronavirus infection.

The validity of specialist recommendations relating to innovative therapies and insulin therapy has been extended for the term of the state of danger, and there is therefore no need to visit a diabetologist for any paperwork, he added.

In the video message, Zsolt Nyitrai, the Prime Minister’s appointee for priority social affairs stated that in Hungary more than one million people suffer from diabetes.

It is especially important that they stay at home during the coronavirus epidemic, he highlighted.

At the end of the video message, the appointee thanked diabetologists as well as medical and patient organisations active in the field for their work, and asked everyone to take good care of one another.