“The ruling of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) has reinforced the power of the administration over nation states”, the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister’s Minster of State for Government Communication stressed on Hungarian M1 television’s Friday evening current affairs program.

According to Bence Tuzson, what the Court decision was really about is that Brussels has been given the right to make “decisions of this nature”. In other words, the administration can now force its will onto member states while circumventing the normal decision-making process in which member states have the right to veto.

In the Minister of State’s opinion, if EU decisions are “pushed” in this direction, it indicates that battles will have to be fought with regard to every single decision.

“The battle could have been put to an end once and for all” if the Court had stated that the Commission cannot apply a procedure of this nature”, Mr. Tuzson said.

“Since it did not issue such a ruling, the Court will now be bringing a sting of similar rulings”, Mr. Bence said, adding that political and legal battles will have to fought against all of these. “The upcoming period will be a difficult one”, he said.

The Minister of State stressed that the Government will be sticking to its decision, which is also the decision of the Hungarian people in view of the fact that a referendum also reinforced the fact that there will be no immigration in Hungary, and that Hungary will not become a country of immigrants. “This is what the Government has been authorised and mandated to do”, Mr. Tuzson declared.