The Hungarian State will do everything it can to point out on the basis of factual legal arguments that the European Court’s advocate-general is applying political double standards.

Chief Security Advisor to the Prime Minister György Bakondi highlighted in this regard that Eleanor Sharpston, Advocate-General of the European Court of Justice concluded in her opinion that the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary had proceeded unlawfully by having refused to implement the temporary mechanism that had served to distribute asylum-seekers within the European Union.

In actual fact, the decision on the distribution of refugees was never implemented even by those who had accepted it, the chief advisor observed, adding that they are wondering whether proceedings will also be instituted against them, or the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary will remain the sole targets.

He also highlighted that Hungary had reached its position related to Syria on the basis of Hungary’s national interest. Hungary’s national interest is that the 3.5 to 4 million Syrians currently staying in Turkey should be able to return home in orderly and safe circumstances within the shortest possible time. If these people cannot be resettled back in their home country, Turkey could easily open the gate to a flow of migrants heading for Europe. In that eventuality, a major crisis situation could evolve again, Mr Bakondi said.