“Europe needs to re-plan, because in addition to the increasingly frequent problems of an economic nature, it must also combat an identity crisis”, Parliamentary State Secretary Csaba Dömötör from the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister said on Monday at a ceremony in Brussels to mark the 169th anniversary of the 1848 Hungarian revolution and war of independence.

In his speech, Mr. Dömötör said that when it remembers the heroes of ’48, Hungary feels it is once again in a state of revolt. Revolt against political correctness, which doesn’t derive its political actions from reality, but from ideologies.

“Similarly to the times of 1848, today we must also fight for our freedom every single day and find the right path in a Europe that is buckling from the pressure of migration and burdened by military conflicts in immediate vicinity”, he said.

“Hungary has no reason to be half-hearted, because it is standing on its own two feet with more strength that before, which means that is has a firm basis for participating in the redesigning of Europe”, Mr. Dömötör declared.
“We would like work and performance to continue to be the main organisers of society, and for Europe to be capable of protecting its culture and communities, and especially families”, he said.

“What we would like to achieve is for Europe to be capable of reinforcing its own security, the best solution for which is the effective defence of our borders”, the State Secretary continued.

In his speech, Mr. Dömötör said that the Hungarians who were forced to emigrate following the 1848 revolution knew full well that fighting in the interests of national causes was not only possible within the Carpathian Basin. “They dreamt of a Hungary that does not exist as a subordinate of the empire, but is capable of making independent decisions and protecting its own interests”, he added.

“The task of Hungarians in Brussels is to channel the debate on the future of Europe towards what is important”, he stressed.
“We need a strong Europe that builds on its nation states and their diversity, and on the values on which the beginnings of European integration were based. A Europe that hears the voices of its citizens and is capable of re-planning if necessary”, he highlighted.

“If this is realised, then we can be sure that within that strong Europe, Hungary too will be strong”, Mr. Dömötör added.

In her speech, given in the name of the Fidesz-KDNP European Parliament delegation, Andrea Bocskor MEP stressed that every era has its own war of independence. “The heroes of 1848 serve as an example, because they dared to take action for their own freedom and for their own country. People of today should draw strength from the bravery, enthusiasm and self-sacrifice of these heroes in the interests of a promising future”, the Member of the European Parliament said.