“Europe works well if European policy is built on the opinion of the Europe people, not the opinion of the European leadership”, the Minister of State for Government Communication said on Hungarian M1 television’s Friday evening current affairs program.

According to Bence Tuzson, European citizens have a similar view of the situation and agree that security in Europe has been endangered.

The Minister of State highlighted the fact that the organisations funded by George Soros are placing major pressure on the Hungarian Government and on Europe’s leaders to support the migrants and allow them into Europe.

The great struggle of the upcoming period will be whether Hungary and Europe is capable of withstanding this pressure, Mr. Tuson said, adding he is sure that the Hungarian Government and the people of Hungary will both manifest a strong stance in this struggle.

“We hope that Europe will also resist the Soros plan and will not allow one million people to be settled in the territory of the European Union every year”, the Minister of State explained.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)