The Hungarian Government will continue to “push” for united EU action on the Turkish-Greek border, Bence Tuzson, State Secretary of the Prime Minister’s Cabinet Office stressed on the programme 180 minutes of the radio station Kossuth Rádió.

The Fidesz politician highlighted on the programme of the public service television news channel M1: they sincerely hope that European leaders will recognise as soon as possible that the European way of life can only be protected if the borders are also protected.

The State Secretary reiterated on both programmes that the Hungarian border closure is working, and fewer and fewer illegal migrants are arriving in the country. “Hungary has contained the problem from a Hungarian viewpoint”, Mr Tuzson stressed, but he remarked: on a European level we need cooperation. In this context, he made reference to the united action of the Visegrád countries (Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland).

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister / MTI)