According to the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister, the „heat” and intensity of the attacks levelled at the national consultation prove in themselves that the issues in question are of the utmost importance whose significance points far beyond the next few months.

Csaba Dömötör said at his press conference held on Tuesday in Budapest: in actual fact, the dialogue about the „Soros plan” opens up the question of how we envisage Europe, and Hungary in it, in the future.

“And here we have two diametrically opposed views”, he remarked.

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The State Secretary said that the national consultation launched last week is being attacked from multiple directions, mostly by those who earlier regarded immigration as a pseudo-problem and the resettlement quotas as non-existent. These attacks, however, only supply a further reason why people in the largest possible numbers should state their opinion, he stressed.

In his words, a great many people attempt to refute that György Soros made a proposal for the resettlement of one million immigrants into Europe annually, despite the fact that the businessman committed his recommendation to writing. At the same time, the European Commissioner responsible for migration affairs openly stated that we must prepare for taking in six million migrants in the short term, over a period of one to two years, and even more in the long run, he added.

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A great many people likewise seek to deny the existence of proposals related to the mandatory quotas, despite the fact that György Soros stated, and even laid down in a document, that unless the quotas become a permanent feature of the EU asylum regime, the system will collapse. There is a reason why the European Commission has not revoked to this day its proposal made last year with respect to the resettlement of migrants without an upper limit, he stressed.

There are also attempts to diminish the significance of the idea of providing grants worth nine million forints per migrant. They argue that the Member States receive funding from the European Union. They fail to mention, however, that the EU itself is using the taxpayers’ money. Additionally, György Soros openly suggests that more money should be reallocated to immigration to the detriment of the very allocations – Cohesion Funds and agricultural policy – which are mostly awarded to Eastern-Central-European countries.

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The Government takes the view that György Soros’s “plan” is not just one plan out of many because a great many people are working hard to implement it.

As the proposals featured in the national consultation have been published and committed to writing, it is an absurd attempt to try to deny their existence, he highlighted.

He stressed: they are asking the responsible figures of public life in Hungary to take a stance on the questions of the consultation, all the more so because some opposition parties earlier “showed their support for the Soros plan” by advocating the resettlement quotas or the imposition of monetary fines on the Member States which disagree with them. At the same time, MSZP said that should they enter into government, they would dismantle the border fence, he listed.