At a press conference held on Tuesday in Szeged, Head of Cabinet of the Prime Minister Antal Rogán said that on average, every twelfth second a new migrant enters the European Union illegally; there is no real control t at the continent’s southern border.

Mr. Rogán said that there is continuous flow at the southern borders of Europe and due to the lack of real control persons planning to or capable of committing acts of terrorism can also enter the continent.

The information that is currently available regarding the Paris attacks, two of the terrorist might have been people who had reached Europe by using the migration wave; this poses great risks, for which we have to prepare, the Head of Cabinet said.

Hungary’s position is that the uncontrolled influx of migrants must be stopped and the EU’s external borders must be closed. The most important task is to protect the Schengen borders. Check points, where those entitled to political protection could be selected must be established outside the external borders, Mr. Rogán stressed.

He said that the migration policy of Brussels has not changed in light of the Paris attacks either: Brussels is still of the opinion that the two have nothing to do with each other, but this is not the case. He explained that security organisations of the EU, as well as secret services and police forces of Member States have been giving warnings according to which parallel to uncontrolled immigration, the threat of terrorism is also growing. And sadly, the terrorist attacks of Paris have in fact proved these warnings to be true, he said.

Mr. Rogán also noted that the mandatory quota system urged by the EU would also cause new problems. This would mean that based on the so called Juncker-formula – requiring Member States to annually receive fifteen thousand migrants per one million inhabitants – within five years, a country of Hungary’s size would have to settle a number of migrants that would equal to the population of Szeged.

He emphasised that the Government of Hungary is against a mandatory quota system and steps up against it in Brussels as well. However, this can only be successful, if it is also supported by the people. Therefore the Fidesz parliamentary group has started a petition, which was also signed by the Prime Minister and other members of the Government. In his speech the Head of Cabinet has asked people to support the petition, because the more people do so, the stronger the Government’s authorisation is to say no to the mandatory quota system in Brussels.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister)