The Government will launch a national consultation, as part of which questionnaires will be sent to Hungarian households. The total costs of the consultation will amount to HUF 949.6 million.

The questionnaires will be printed by Magyar Közlöny Lap- és Könyvkiadó Kft., a company contracted by the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister, and the printing costs will amount to net HUF 68.1 million. Based on Government Decree No. 309/2011. (XII.23.) on Centralised IT and Electronic Telecommunications Services, the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister will be in charge of the personalisation of the letters and their forwarding to members of the public by way of NISZ Nemzeti Infokommunikációs Szolgáltató Zrt., a company coming under the supervision of the Ministry of Interior, with the involvement of Magyar Posta Zrt., the Hungarian Postal Service, the expected costs of which will be HUF 881.5 million.

The above sums may change slightly. We shall be able to state the exact final costs after the closure of the consultation.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister)