It will be worth Fidesz’s while to stay within the European People’s Party as long as it does not completely switch sides to join the ranks of pro-immigration forces, the Minister heading the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister said on the programme ‘Sunday Paper’ of Kossuth Radio.

Antal Rogán stressed that the government party must fight within the People’s Party for the renewal of Europe as long as there is a chance that, with the aid of its efforts, they can elect European leaders who are able to stop immigration and protect the borders and Christian culture. The Minister observed he believes that at this point in time there is a chance to do so.

“Ultimately, our goal is to renew Europe,” he said, adding that the European leadership under the guidance of Jean-Claude Juncker has heaped failure upon failure in the past five years. As the two most significant failures he mentioned Britain’s departure from the European Union and the fact that, at the same time, “migrants and immigrants have come in in masses”.

He confirmed that in the government’s information campaign which ended on 15 March they told the people about the secret plans hidden in Brussels drawers because they are concerned that they will take them out of those drawers after the May EP elections.

“This is how it has been in the past few years as well: they did not tell the public about them; however, all of a sudden, they turned into laws and specific measures,” Mr Rogán said. He mentioned as an example that this is how the mandatory quotas emerged on the agenda as well.

The Minister pointed out that they would like an open debate about whether Europe wants immigrants or not.

Many in the People’s Party take the tactical view that Manfred Weber cannot become the President of the European Commission without the votes of the pro-immigration Left, he argued.

According to the Minister, they therefore have the feeling that the statements and positions that can be heard “do not necessarily reflect the original views of the People’s Party”. For instance, a significant portion of the People’s Party does not hold such pro-immigration views as some of its other members as well as the entire European Left, the greens and the liberals.

Mr Rogán also said that in the next few weeks the cabinet will concentrate on the family protection action plan and will publish advertisements related to its details, and its communication, too, will focus on the action plan.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)