According to the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister’s Parliamentary State Secretary, Csaba Dömötör, the Government is well aware of Jobbik’s standpoint even without a separate debate: The opposition party’s Chairman, Gábor Vona, would now be prepared to “give free rein to immigration”.

Mr. Dömötör issued a statement to Hungarian news agency MTI on Wednesday in reaction to the fact that at a press conference earlier in the day Jobbik Deputy Chairman Dániel Z. Kárpát had asked him to hold a public debate with him with relation to the situation of people who have received asylum status during the past three years. Mr. Z. Kárpát said he would like answers concerning the case of 2300 “unnecessarily resettled migrants”, including with relation to the screening mechanism applied.

“The former national party has totally given up its original principles and is willing to team up with anybody in exchange for power, and accordingly they cannot be counted on in the battle against illegal immigration”, the State Secretary emphasised. According to Mr. Dömötör, in the spirit of forging links to the left, “Jobbik would now be prepared to demolish the fence and begin the resettlements”. “This is why they did not vote in favour of the anti-quota constitutional amendment, and this is why Gábor Vona has also made statements in favour of the mandatory resettlement quota”, he added.

The State Secretary reminded the press that the Government’s standpoint has been clear and consistent from the very beginning: “We reject illegal immigration and the mandatory quota, and are doing everything possible to ensure that Hungary does not become an immigrant country”.