The Hungarian government and authorities have a list regarding organisations which promote illegal immigration, present the influx of migrants as a positive development and provide legal assistance with the process, Antal Rogán, the Minister heading the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister said in an interview he gave on Kossuth Rádió’s programme Sunday News (Vasárnapi Újság).

The Minister said anyone engaged in activities of this nature, “be that the Helsinki Committee or anyone else” will come under the effect of the “Stop Soros” legislative package. It is the duty of the government to monitor the operations of organisations which may pose a threat to the security of the nation, he argued, and mentioned as a possible solution that the Hungarian authorities will propose to the prosecution service that they investigate whether the activities of certain organisations which fail to submit voluntary reports fall within the range covered by the legislation.

Mr Rogán also said that after the passage in Parliament of the “Stop Soros” legislative package no one will be surprised if George Soros would be among the first to be served a restraining order should he fail to stop financing immigration.

He highlighted that the will of the Hungarian people is perfectly clear: they would like to prevent the enforcement of Brussels’ immigration policy and the implementation of the Soros plan at any cost. The “Stop Soros” package comprised of three elements – which the government has now submitted for a social debate and will present to Parliament in February – must comply with that will, he said.

The goal of the government is to keep away from Hungary anyone who is engaged in the promotion and organisation of immigration, who attempts to bring migrants to Hungary and who finances migrants. “It is not so easy to achieve this”, the Minister said, and underlined that they proposed three solutions.

The first one of these is to register organisations which are engaged in the arrangement of immigration, and “there should be a debate on who these organisations which are engaged in such activities are, and if they fail to submit the relevant reports on a voluntary basis, the authorities should make them do so”, he said.

He stressed the Government also proposes that the foreign funding of these organisations should be taxed “as it is hardly a tenable situation that if there is something that the Hungarians do not want, it will then be arranged from foreign money”. “The majority of these organisations do not receive any funding from the one per cent Hungarian taxpayers can offer (to NGOs from their personal income tax)”, he added.

According to Mr Rogán’s information, the essence of the third initiative lies in the possibility of keeping away from the country people who organise or finance immigration based on the decision of the Interior Minister.

He indicated that the government is open to all proposals that are conceived on a foundation of good intentions. At the same time, the proposed legislative package can only be made more stringent; there is no scope for easing the regulations under any circumstances.

“Those cry loudest whose house is on fire”, meaning that those will unite their efforts who have pursued their activities primarily with funding from the Soros foundations also to date, Mr Rogán said regarding criticisms levelled against the legislative package.

He stressed that regardless of their names, these organisations were established to serve a single purpose: namely, “to implement the Soros plan one way or another, and to sweep the Hungarian government out of the way of illegal immigration. There are some whose job it is to organise demonstrations against the government, others spread fake news about Hungary”, he said, adding that the common goal of these organisations is to open the fence and to restart the sealed Balkans migrant route.

Mr Rogán also highlighted that they wish to keep away from Hungary not only those who finance illegal immigration, but also those who assist it. “If George Soros’s financial activities pose a threat, the activities of those who distribute his money in Hungary for the same purpose likewise pose a threat”, he said.

The Minister that “accusations of anti-Semitism can be ruled out” in connection with the legislative package. Not only is the Hungarian government not anti-Semitic, but in actual fact it assists the Jewish community in Hungary in every way possible, he stated, and referred to the Israeli Prime Minister’s official to visit to Hungary last year for the first time in 30 years as a clear sign of recognition of this fact.

“When we seek to protect ourselves against migrants who are Muslim in the vast majority, in actual fact we take the greatest possible step in the interest of protecting Jewish communities in Hungary”, he added.

The Minister also highlighted that Brussels will most probably not be happy about the “Stop Soros” legislative package because it goes against its official immigration policy. One of the greatest problems of Brussels is that it wishes to distribute migrants who arrived in Europe illegally, and to carry on with the resettlement of migrants even in an organised manner. The Hungarian government is opposed to this completely, and most fortunately it has supporters in this fight, primarily the Visegrád countries, he said.