The Government is committed to preserving job creation grants, the State Secretary for Government Communication stressed in Pécs, in the context of the fact that „the European Union seeks to move this issue to its own competence”.

Bence Tuzson said at his press conference held at the Pécs branch office of IT Services Hungary (ITSH) Kft., a business active in the infocommunications sector: in contrast to the regrettable aspirations of the EU, the goal of the Hungarian Government is to maintain its right to support the creation of jobs in Hungary.

“One of the most important objectives of the Government is to reduce unemployment in Hungary to the minimum, and to enable everyone who wants and is able to work to find employment”, he said.

As he stressed, out of the some six hundred Pécs jobs currently offered by ITSH, which is engaged in activities representing a high added value, two hundred came into being with the aid of grants from the Government. In reference to the EU plan, he took the view: “had this happened in the past, two hundred fewer people would be working for this company today”.

There are some ten thousand jobs in the infocommunications sector in Hungary, Mr Tuzson said, who – stressing the importance of the cooperation of businesses and educational institutions – mentioned as an example that ITSH maintains close cooperation with the Pécs University of Sciences and five secondary schools.

Zsolt Páva, Mayor of Pécs highlighted: as part of the economic development strategy launched seven years ago which seeks to achieve the re-industrialisation of the city, primarily infocommunications businesses providing jobs for young people emerged at the county seat.

He added that the Pécs Municipality helps the operation and settlement in the city of these businesses with tax benefits, among other things. The leader of the city also pointed out that these companies contribute to retaining qualified work force in Pécs.