In the interest of the effective containment of the coronavirus epidemic, based on the authorisation granted by Parliament, the government has ordered the extension of the effect of the extraordinary emergency measures adopted in connection with the state of danger declared on 11 March.

In the past few weeks, the government has adopted a number of measures in the interest of slowing down the epidemic, and protecting the health of the Hungarian people, Hungarian families, the economy and jobs.

These extraordinary measures have contributed to the enhancement of the efforts designed to contain the epidemic, the reduction of the number of infections and incidences, and the containment of the economic losses resulting from the epidemic. Therefore, the government has extended the effect of these extraordinary emergency measures until the end of the state of danger.

The government will maintain until the end of the state of danger all family protection measures such as the extension of maternity benefits and services. The government is also extending the effect of the legal rule on the appointment of hospital commanders, as well as the economy protection measures announced so far, including the suspension of credit debt repayments and executions, the deferment of the taxes of small businesses, and the suspension of contribution payments in some sectors.

The government is also keeping in effect the provision which lays down that in the case of businesses engaged in tourism, catering, the entertainment industry, gaming, the film industry, the performing arts, event organisation and sporting services, rental agreements relating to non-housing properties cannot be terminated by notice until 30 June 2020. Businesses operating in these sectors will be exempt from the payment of contributions on wages for the months of March, April, May and June 2020, while from among the contributions payable on workers’ wages, only the health insurance contribution in kind will be payable, with the proviso that its monthly rate cannot exceed the monthly amount of the health care service contribution, HUF 7,710. The government is likewise upholding the provision which lays down that those obliged to pay tourism development contributions will not be required to pay these contributions for the period extending from 1 March 2020 to 30 June 2020.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)