The government will not take part in the extraordinary parliamentary sitting initiated by left-wing parties about the Brussels budgetary agreement, the Parliamentary State Secretary at the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister told the Hungarian news agency MTI on Friday.

Csaba Dömötör said the government has already informed members of the public in detail about the fact that the Prime Minister managed to secure additional funding worth EUR 3 billion, the equivalent of around a thousand billion forints, for Hungary.

Additionally, he managed to foil the introduction of a procedure which would have offered scope for political blackmail in connection with EU funds, he added.

The government’s representative underlined that they will continue to fight for preventing non-transparent activist groups intervening in the political lives of some Member States without a democratic mandate from receiving grants from the EU budget.

“We find it regrettable and extremely sad that throughout the budget talks left-wing opposition parties worked against the country’s best interests, and conducted the same kind of smear campaign as they did during the most difficult weeks of the fight against the epidemic,” Mr Dömötör said, adding that “due to this circumstance alone, we see no reason why we should take part in the parliamentary comedy they initiated”.

(MTI/Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister)