Communication in connection with the lawsuit instituted by the Hungarian Helsinki Committee.

The government accepts the Curia’s decision. At the same time, we continue to believe that immigration poses major threats to Hungary and Europe. We will use all possible means to take action against migration and all activities which seek to encourage migration. The results of the relevant referendum and national consultations clearly showed that the Hungarian people do not want immigration and would like to preserve Hungary as a Hungarian country.

We wish to draw attention to the fact that the Hungarian Helsinki Committee has initiated pro-immigration campaigns on a number of occasions.

In 2015, the Hungarian Helsinki Committee’s lawyer submitted a petition to the Strasbourg court against the Hungarian State on behalf of two immigrants from Bangladesh.

The Hungarian Helsinki Committee objected to and took action against the decision on the southern border fence, and even protested against it in an open letter. Their leader said “immigration is not a harmful phenomenon”.

The Hungarian Helsinki Committee strongly attacked the national consultation on immigration which was an important opportunity for the Hungarian people to state their opinion about migration. They asked Hungarian citizens to send back the return envelopes without the questionnaires.

The Hungarian Helsinki Committee even started an Internet site against the consultation under the title “I’m an immigrant”.

Based on the Hungarian Helsinki Committee’s reports, in 2018 they received grants worth more than HUF 114 million from the Open Society Foundations funded by George Soros. This is the billionaire who urged the European Union earlier to take in one million immigrants annually. George Soros also argued for the immigration quotas, and said national borders constitute an obstacle to the implementation of his plan.