According to the Chief Security Advisor to the Prime Minister, in the near future, we will observe the greatest migration activity at the green border and on the islands of Greece.

On Wednesday on the public service television news channel M1, Gyögy Bakondi was interviewed in connection with the fact that according to Greek Defence Minister Nikos Panagiotopoulos, with the improvement of the weather, the number of illegal immigrants will increase.

He stressed that almost all countries situated on the Balkans route are making estimates and gathering information about the magnitude of the expected migration flow. He said it is a fact that at present there are more than 100,000 migrants in Greece, there are just over 120,000 to 130,000 on the Balkans route, and there are another 3.8 million in Turkey.

Hungary is most directly affected by the situation in Serbia, he highlighted, underlining that if Serbia lifts the restrictions on movement currently in effect and the guarding of migrant camps, we can expect a more intensive phase of migration pressure on the Hungarian border as was typical earlier.