In departure from its 2015 migration policy, Greece has decided to protect its borders against violent, aggressive and armed attacks, the Chief Security Advisor to the Prime Minister said on Kossuth Radio’s programme ‘Good morning, Hungary’.

György Bakondi described the situation that has developed at the Turkish-Greek border as complex: there are migrants in large numbers preparing to cross the border illegally, and there are frequent clashes between migrants and Greek border guards.

He took the view that at present Greece is protecting its borders successfully, and Hungary, too, will do everything it can to support these efforts. He added that the European Union’s new leaders are assisting Greece with money, equipment and the deployment of hundreds of Frontex (the EU’s border and coast guard agency) personnel.

At this point in time, there are more than 130,000 people in transit on the Balkans route who are trying to enter the EU. However, Hungary is firmly protecting its borders, he stated.

According to the Chief Security Advisor, if Greece is unable to protect its borders, the borders of North Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and Croatia will have to be protected. Should these attempts also fail, it will be Hungary’s turn again to defend the EU.

On the public service television news channel M1, Mr Bakondi said Hungary has offered Frontex’s mission in Greece the participation of 65 police officers.

Members of the Greek public, too, have become more active because they have realised that illegal immigration has no advantages whatsoever, he said.