“Heavy artillery fire will rain down upon us, but that artillery fire will be targeted at a fort that the people of Hungary reinforced extremely strongly on 8 April”, the Minister heading the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister said in an interview for the PestiSrácok.hu news portal.

In the interview which was published on Thursday, Antal Rogán stressed that the Government will be standing by the decision of the Hungarian people, will not be moving an inch with relation to immigration policy, and hopes that the European parliament elections will be followed by a new Brussels leadership and moderate Brussels politics.

The Minister explained that international attacks are not necessarily aimed specifically at Hungary, but are part of the huge European debate which will decide nothing less than whether Europe will remain European or permanently become an immigrant continent with a mixed population and a mixed culture.

“This is what the whole European parliament elections next May will also be about”, he said, noting that “European citizens want the Brussels Commission to also take the side of strongly protected European borders instead of the import of immigrants”.

“So far, the decisions on this have been made over people’s heads, but European citizens will now finally have the opportunity to vote on the future of the continent”, he emphasised.

“Considering the magnitude of what is at stake, it is clear that Viktor Orbán is a huge wooden beam in the eye of billionaires like Soros and politicians who serve migration”, Mr. Rogán said, adding “They will want to discredit us and the other anti-immigration governments at the earliest opportunity”.

With regard to the election campaign, he underlined the fact that in Central Europe the costs of migration would crush economies that are currently on a growth trajectory, which is most certainly a crucial issue and it is no accident that this was placed at the centre of the campaign. “Of course I understand that for some it is uncomfortable to speak about this topic, since they too are the faithful soldiers of the Soros empire”, he declared, adding: “We have understood what it important to voters, and accordingly we not only won the election war, but also the war of issues”.

Mr. Rogán called the election victory team work, in which everyone was involved. He thanked the close to one hundred thousand supporters who had assisted the government, their candidates and Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in some form. “Fidesz has never had such a strong and personal prime ministerial campaign”, he declared, adding that the campaign had been fundamentally directed by the Prime Minister.

The head of the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister said with relation to Sunday’s protest that it was extremely amusing to hear some people on the streets chanting that there is no freedom of speech and no democracy, when in fact it is precisely they themselves who are living proof of the exact opposite.

“If I remember rightly, when we went out to protest following the 2006 elections we were beaten up, and nobody protested in our interests in Europe and nobody was worried for Hungarian democracy”, he said.

According to Mr. Rogán, it is absolutely normal for people who wanted something else and who thought differently to go out onto the streets and voice their opinion. “My problem is with the fact that the protestors are being agitated from abroad with clearly ulterior motives”, he said, adding “Now this is something that is at odds with democracy, and it is totally unacceptable”.

He also spoke about the “political farce” represented by the fact that certain parties that were made to suffer catastrophic losses by the electorate are now attempting to defend themselves by claiming election fraud. According to the Minister this trend can be observed internationally: “In places where the chosen parties do not win the elections they cry dictatorship and fraud, and do everything possible to generate doubt”.

“This is done by a network, which we call the Soros network, and which finances and organises protests and drives, keeping governments that do not operate according to their interests under continuous pressure, which it attempts to coerce into coming to a compromise or stepping down”, he explained.

Mr. Rogán also spoke about the fact that it wasn’t Lajos Simicska who wrecked Jobbik or the Magyar Nemzet, but “those Jobbik leaders and journalists who willingly joined forces with him and accepted his money and support, in exchange for which they did his bidding”.

He highlighted the fact that when the Népszabadság ceased operation people blamed the owner and the Hungarian Government, but now that the Magyar Nemzet is being closed down nobody is talking about the owner.

According to the Minister, it transpired during the campaign that to the liberals, the fight against anti-Semitism is just a tactical issue, and in fact is even secondary to the Federation of Hungarian Jewish Communities (MAZSIHISZ). As an example, he cited the fact that in 2012 he had personally spoken out against the statements of Márton Gyöngyösi proposing that lists be compiled of our Jewish fellow citizens and has not spoken to the politician since, but “those who spoke out the loudest against Jobbik because of Gyöngyösi in 2012 were now equally loudly encouraging people to vote for Jobbik in certain electoral districts”.

“Our Jewish compatriots can of course always count on the protection of the Government, because we reject anti-Semitism as a matter of principle and do not collaborate with parties and politicians that profess anti-Semitic views”, he stressed.

Mr. Rogán confirmed that the Prime Minister would like a new government, with some new participants and a partly new structure, and that the list of members of the new government is expected to be made public in two weeks’ time.