The Hungarian government looks to the impending new European Commission with confidence, but also with firm expectations.

We trust that the new European Commission will result in more balanced and sober EU leadership, and that it will open a new era in European Union immigration policy. The people of Hungary have made it absolutely clear that they expect the leadership in Brussels to halt immigration and defend the Europe of nations and Christian culture.

These values are also held by László Trócsányi, as the Hungarian government’s candidate for Commissioner and a prospective member of the new European Commission. This is why we expect the European Parliament’s anti-immigration forces to use all their strength to attempt to prevent his election. The field of neighbourhood policy and the enlargement of the EU intended for the Hungarian commissioner candidate is one of the most important portfolios, and creates an opportunity for the European Union to gain in strength through the admission of new Member States. The stabilisation of the Balkans countries is also an important goal in the interest of halting migration.

(Government Information Centre)