On Thursday morning, Minister of State for Government Communication Bence Tuzson told Kossuth Rádió’s “180 Minutes” programme that Hungary is being attacked on all fronts, but it has no choice but to protect its own interests.

Mr. Tuzson explained that in the background of the attacks is the issue of migration, and the aim of them is for Hungary to let migrants into the country.

Speaking about the content of the national consultation, he said that it is about questions determining Hungary’s future in the long term. He said that Hungary is on the right path, but there are several threats it must prepare for, migration being one, and the issue of reductions in utility charges another. He added that Brussels is seeking to authorise utility companies to determine utility prices. In addition, he also talked about the transparency of “paid activist groups” supporting migration.

With regard to the CEU, Mr. Tuzson said that a campaign of misinformation has been launched, pointing out that what is being talked about in Europe now is not what is in the Hungarian legislation.