Reaction to a statement of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees is trying to induce Hungary not for the first time to relax its immigration rules. The same UN wants to force the global migration pact on countries of the world which would mean the complete legalisation of migration and the resettlement of immigrants.

Hungary takes the view that immigrants should submit their asylum applications amidst legal and regulated circumstances, rather than walk into Europe in the millions illegally, without documents and eligibility. Until recently, Hungary made it possible for migrants to submit asylum requests lawfully in transit zones set up in the vicinity of the border fence. However, the Court of Justice of the European Union recently asked Hungary to close down transit zones; we honoured this request, and since then migrants arriving in Hungary via the Balkans route have been able to submit their asylum applications legally at Hungary’s foreign representations. The UNHCR’s statement suggests that they want to eliminate even this minimal control over illegal migration; they want us to let immigrants into the territory of Hungary and the EU freely, without any controls. Hungary does not agree with this as within the framework of the national consultation the Hungarian people have confirmed on several occasions that they reject illegal immigration.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister / MTI)