Hungary can only be strong if it is able to maintain its security and Europe’s strength likewise does not diminish, the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister said in Szob.

Csaba Dömötör pointed out that the national consultation which is currently under way opens up a debate on what kind of a Europe we would like to live in, and how we envisage Hungary’s future in it.

The Parliamentary State Secretary of the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister told his audience that there are two contrasting positions in European politics today as regards the future. According to one, it is not a big problem if the European countries turn into immigrant countries; in actual fact, this is an opportunity. “By contrast, we would like to preserve Europe as we have known it, and the nation states must play a major role in this. We must continue to build on our communities, our traditions, and the freedom that we have fought for ourselves”, Mr Dömötör added.

The State Secretary said that the consultation is about concepts concerning immigration which György Soros has published in multiple instalments. These regularly re-emerged in Brussels legislative proposals. He added: György Soros also wrote about the fact that immigrants must be given 15 thousand euros – approximately 9 million forints – in the first two years, and the necessary funds can be raised through tax increases and the reduction of the grants provided by the European Union.

Mr Dömötör further highlighted that, according to the Soros concept, one million immigrants should be let into the EU annually. He added that based on the data of Frontex (European Border and Coast Guard Agency), almost a million people are waiting at the shores of Libya to set out for Europe as soon as they can, but according to a NATO study, we may expect some 60 million immigrants up to 2020.

The State Secretary took the view that if someone takes a look at Hungary today, they see a country which keeps its own yard tidy, and is heading in the right direction by taking small steps one after the other. He added: this, however, does not mean that we can sit back and relax because we must protect our common achievements as a single bad decision is enough to lose everything we have had.

He also said that Hungary can only be strong if it is able to maintain its security. „To put it another way, Hungary can only gain in strength if Europe’s strength likewise does not diminish in the meantime.” We would like a strong Europe, with a strong Hungary, Mr Dömötör said.

He highlighted that this is why we choose straight talk and the path of action instead of defeatism, and this is why they are encouraging everyone to take part in the consultation, to stand up for the Government, and to urge their friends and acquaintances to follow suit.

Bence Rétvári, Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Human Resources reiterated that while the quota lawsuit is about taking in 1,200 immigrants, Hungary has resolved the housing of thousands of people in Lebanon and Iraq in their native land by having rebuilt their homes from the money of Hungarian taxpayers. He added: there was a place where we built schools, and there was another one where we financed the entire medicine supply of a hospital.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)