“Neither Brussels nor any other centre can tell Hungary how many migrants it must take in”, the Chief Security Advisor to the Prime Minister said on Hungarian M1 television’s Friday evening current affairs program.

György Bakondi stated that, according to the latest Frontex data, migration via Turkey along the Baltic route has increased significantly. Moreover, a left-wing turnaround has taken place in Italy, and the new government is already talking about a “European-level solution” and “solidarity” with relation to its new migration policy. “This means that they will open the ports, take in those coming from Libya and Tunisia, and then will want to once again introduce the mandatory quota, and member states that refuse to accept this can expect a fine,” he added.

The Chief Security Advisor said that these powers are seeking to create a state of affairs that can only be reversed with difficulty prior to the formation of the new European Commission. “However, the Hungarian government and Hungarian society have already declared their firm position on the matter: it is out of the question that people in a centre somewhere should decide who we must live with!”, Mr. Bakondi underlined.