The Parliamentary State Secretary of the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister believes that opposition parties are “competing for attention”, and there is no way of knowing how they would seek to further the cause of the nation.

Csaba Dömötör said in an interview published in the Saturday issue of the newspaper Magyar Idők that MSZP is in a state of complete disintegration which is also testified to by the fact that “their seasonal candidate for prime minister” comes from another party. Meanwhile, in his view, there is a “quiet courtship dance” with DK. The Parliamentary State Secretary takes the view that on the left “Gyurcsány still continues to deal the cards”.

According to the Parliamentary State Secretary, Jobbik can likewise not act as a challenger of Fidesz; party President Gábor Vona “has completely exposed and drained a former nationally-oriented party”.

Debates in Parliament seem to indicate that there are ever more personal insults and manifestations of aggression on the opposition’s part, he said. In his view opposition parties are competing for attention. The winner of their competition is the person who can make the most absurd claim. “Meanwhile we have no information whatsoever about how they would seek to further the cause of the nation. It is truly no exaggeration to say that Hungary would deserve a better opposition than this”, he stated.

Mr Dömötör stressed that Hungary has achieved major results: more than 700,000 new jobs have come into being, and never before since the fall of communism have there been this many people in employment. It is equally important, he continued, that it is increasingly worth working as pay rise programmes are ongoing.

They are also proud that the family support system is being further extended and pensions will increase again in January. Meanwhile the taxes of small enterprises will decrease, as will employer contributions and the VAT on Internet services.

“Hungary is on the right path taking small, but steady steps. We would like this to be reflected not only in the macro-economic figures, but in people’s own lives as well”, he stated.

Regarding the National Consultation on the Soros plan, Mr Dömötör said that the results are obvious: the Hungarian people would not like their country to become an immigrant country. In his view if “democratic values still matter”, the consultation must have made some impact on decision-makers in Brussels. He stressed that the consultation was necessary at this point in time because “the political struggle regarding the issue of resettlement had only just started intensifying at an EU level. They now want to finalise the legal framework for relocation.”

The Parliamentary State Secretary pointed out that Budapest is one of Europe’s safest capitals. This is thanks to the high level of organisation within law enforcement agencies, and “also to the fact that we have not yielded to the pressure of migration so far. The correlation between immigration and the threat of terrorism has been evident to us right from the beginning”.

In his opinion the issues of security and identity are the number one political issues not only in Hungary, but in most European countries. Electors all over the world severely punish parties which fail to take their concerns into consideration. “We cannot rule out that some left-wing parties are forcing immigration because they hope to gain new voters in consequence”, Mr Dömötör stated.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)