By the end of the meeting of the European People’s Party, it was evident to every one of the attendees that Hungary’s place is in the EU, and Fidesz’s place is in the European People’s Party, Antal Rogán, the Minister heading the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister said on Saturday in Brussels, after the meeting.

The Minister said according to the broadcast of the public service television news channel M1 that at the summit of the European People’s Party, of which Fidesz is a member, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán confirmed that Hungary is ready to engage in ongoing talks with the European Commission on every issue.

“Whatever legal proceedings may be instituted against us, the Government is ready to seriously consider each and every legal argument that the European Commission may cite”, he stressed.

DownloadPhoto: Balázs Szecsődi

Mr Orbán also stressed at the meeting that Hungary continues to regard the protection of the borders as crucial, and continues to maintain that the fewest possible illegal immigrants – or if possible, not a single illegal immigrant – should enter the territory of the European Union, he said.

Therefore, the Government will maintain all its measures adopted earlier, including the transit zones, he added, stressing that with this, Hungary seeks to meet the obligations which are laid down in the Schengen Agreement.

In answer to questions, he also said that Hungary is potentially willing to let in migrants aged between 14 and 18 years, but only if they subject themselves to DNA testing, in order to ascertain beyond doubt that they indeed fall into the age group mentioned.

The Government, however, cannot consider any questions or requests concerning the existence of the transit zones because they take the view that it forms part of the policing of the borders. These facilities are not closed or guarded, and anyone is free to leave them. Migrants are simply not allowed to enter the territory of the EU from there until the relevant immigration proceedings are closed, the politician said.

Mr Rogán further pointed out that Mr Orbán made it clear at the meeting in the context of the CEU: “we take the view that the Soros-founded Közép-európai Egyetem that operates in Hungary is not threatened by any legislative amendment”. He added that education in the institution and the freedom of academic research continue to remain guaranteed, and the university may also start new semesters.

At the same time, the Government is ready to review all issues laid down in international conventions in relation to the issuance of foreign degrees, but standard regulations must be enforced in Hungary, the Minister stressed.

According to Mr Rogán, the main topic of both the meeting of the People’s Party and the EU summit to be held thereafter is Brexit, that is, the departure of Britain from the EU. Hungary wishes to enforce the Hungarian interests to the full in connection with Brexit, but Prime Minister Orbán will speak about this in more detail later, he said.