In the interest of the security of Hungary and the Hungarian people, the government is extending the state of emergency due to mass immigration, with special regard to the migrant flow that has started from Turkey, and its security and epidemiological implications.

The current migration situation is serious, and also poses a threat to Hungary. Masses of migrants have set out from Turkey towards the interior of Europe. A migrant flow of several hundred thousand could amass on the Balkans route, and at the Hungarian border a situation could emerge that could well be even more serious than the Röszke riots in 2015.

The government is therefore continuously monitoring the situation and is reinforcing border protection. This also requires the extension of the state of emergency. This measure provides state and law enforcement agencies with special powers as laid down in the relevant legislation. This is how we can guarantee that we are able to take effective action against illegal immigrants at the border and in the entire territory of Hungary.

(Government Communication Centre)