The Government has launched an information website on the referendum regarding the forced settlement of migrants.

Based on the information provided by Csaba Dömötör, Minister of State at the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister, the website contains the most important information on the Brussels proposal regarding the forced resettlement of migrants, and on why the Government is opposed to the proposal. The website further covers the security aspects of the resettlement scheme as well as some of its economic implications.

He added: as the website itself states, the Government takes the view that the Hungarian people alone can decide whom they wish to live together with and whom not. „We cannot allow the decisions which determine the country’s future to be taken away from the Hungarian people and the Hungarian Parliament”, the Minister of State said.

He also said: Hungary could send a loud and clear message to Brussels by way of the referendum, and we must achieve that the EU withdraw its dangerous proposal. To this end, we must say no when we cast our votes, Mr Dömötör said, adding that the Government believes that, instead of the forced resettlement of migrants, we must reinforce the protection of our borders.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)