The introduction of the mandatory quotas prescribing the resettlement of migrants would affect most Hungarian cities and settlements, the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister said at a press conference.

Csaba Dömötör said Brussels intends to make a decision on the mandatory relocation of migrants within the next few months, and this would affect most Hungarian cities and settlements because the quotas also mean distribution within the country, and according to international examples this leads to extremely severe local conflicts.

“We do not want them to lay the foundations of future no-go areas here, there are more than enough of them in Europe”, the Parliamentary State Secretary stated.

He highlighted that in recent years almost two million immigrants had arrived in Europe. Most of them were given shelter in temporary accommodation facilities, but in many cases these have become permanent homes.

Munich, for instance, was required to take in 24,000 immigrants in 2015, but there were instances in Germany when municipal housing contracts had to be terminated because immigrants needed housing. There is a medium-sized German city which was flooded by 80,000 immigrants from the direction of the Balkans route. The municipality put them up in unused barracks, but the migrants started setting cars on fire and engaged in a fight with the police, Mr Dömötör listed.

He added that in France the authorities wanted to distribute migrants on the basis of central decisions, and when the locals in a village decided against the resettlement of migrants into their village in a referendum, a court of law overrode their decision.

In light of these facts, opposition plans about the practical implementation of resettlement are most disconcerting. The opposition “is gambling” on the country’s security, the Parliamentary State Secretary said.

Not only did the opposition support the quotas in Brussels, they have now started making preparations for the resettlement of migrants. For instance, Gergely Karácsony’s party wanted to open unused barracks to immigrants, while the organisation Migration Aid financed from abroad would even open up schools and nursery schools, he observed.

The government has this to say to the opposition: hands off unused public buildings, barracks, nursery schools, schools and municipal housing. These cannot be the targets of relocation, similar to the country itself”, he highlighted.

“At this point in time we still have the decision in our hands, and the elections of 8 April will be important also for this reason”, Mr Dömötör said.

In answer to the question as to why the government has done nothing against fake parties running in the elections, he said that the relevant regulations had been tightened significantly. If a party fails to obtain one per cent of the votes, it is required to repay the state grants it received, and today not only the parties themselves but their leaders also owe responsibility, he pointed out.

He added it would not be correct if they amended the election legislation a few weeks before the elections.

In response to the suggestion that fake parties favour Fidesz, he said the opposition tries to blame its division on circumstances, and is finding excuses in advance.

Regarding the fact that Gergely Karácsony, candidate for prime minister of MSZP-Párbeszéd will meet with former Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern on Tuesday, he said that this meeting indicates precisely the system of alliance Gergely Karácsony has in mind. One of his first meetings is with a politician who is openly pro-quota and who earlier lobbied for the reduction of the EU grants of Hungary and Poland because their approach to immigration policy is inappropriate in his view, he said. This also clearly shows that if opposition parties were given the chance to govern, they would immediately accept the resettlement quotas, he added.