According to Minister of State for Government Communication Bence Tuzson, it matters who comes to power at the Sunday elections; if it is the people of George Soros, then Hungary will change irrevocably, because they will allow in the migrants.

At a press conference in Budapest in Tuesday, Mr. Tuzson said: “What is important is that in the upcoming period it is in Hungary’s interests to be a strong and capable country with a strong and capable government that has the capacity to enter into negotiations that will stop the process of immigration”.

“If Hungary will not have a strong and capable government or a government that wants to stop immigration, then Hungary will change, and our children will no longer recognise the country we now live in”, the Minister of State declared.

“The upcoming period is also important from Europe’s perspective, because the European Union wants to speed up the negotiation process and carve into stone the new immigration regulations. According to these new rules, Hungary would have to accept ten thousand migrants before the end of this year”, Mr. Tuzson indicated, adding that “this is something that neither the Government nor Hungary can allow”.

He pointed out that the Belgian Prime Minister had threatened the countries of the Visegrád Group, saying that the resettlement quotas would be adopted “with or without them”.

“George Soros must be stopped and George Soros’s people and candidates must be stopped. If they come to power, Hungary will be transformed into an immigrant country”, he said.

In reply to a question concerning the fact that left-wing Párbeszéd (Dialogue) party leader Gergely Karácsony has said on several occasions that he can envisage cooperating with the nationalist Jobbik party, the Minister of State said: “We find the various negotiations going on between the left and the extreme right, and the messages they are sending each other, to be very strange”. “It is obvious that George Soros and his organisations are applying pressure to various parties, including the Hungarian Socialist Party (MSZP), to cooperate and enable a single candidate, George Soros’s candidate, to stand for election on Sunday”, he stated.