Csaba Dömötör, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister, has told Hungarian news agency MTI that the Government’s referendum campaign has reached a new phase; the main message will now be: “Let us not risk Hungary’s future – let us say ‘no’”.

Mr. Dömötör also said that, in addition to the advertisements, the Government will also send an information leaflet to every household, and every Hungarian – living in Hungary or abroad – will receive a letter in which citizens will be urged to vote in the referendum.

In the campaign the Government will draw attention to the fact that Brussels’ plans to impose compulsory relocation quotas can only be stopped with a referendum. Mr. Dömötör added that compulsory settlement also involves significant economic, cultural and security risks, which we must not assume.

The Government’s position is that the referendum is not about parties or political battles, but about a vision of the Europe we want to live in. The issue at stake, Mr. Dömötör stressed, is whether we can protect our communities, our culture and everything that makes Hungary Hungarian.

“We ask every party and every responsible political actor to urge voters to participate in the referendum, and to make clear whether they support a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ vote”, Mr. Dömötör said. He added that the Government’s position is clear and unchanged: only Hungarians can decide whom they want to live together with, and “this is why we ask everyone to vote ‘no’ on 2 October”.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)