Information reached migrants suggesting that the Hungarian border had been opened and so it was worth heading this way. This is not true, however, Chief Security Advisor to the Prime Minister György Bakondi said on the public service television news channel M1 on Wednesday morning.

According to the chief advisor, these people were directed to the Hungarian border with disinformation, despite the fact that the Hungarian border is protected with a dual fence, cutting-edge technology, a large number of police and military personnel and a number of regulatory measures. Mr Bakondi took the view regarding the situation that this could be an attempt to exert political pressure.

He pointed out that there are approximately 100,000 to 120,000 migrants on the Balkans route, and they are arriving at the Greek islands by the hundreds. It is a major risk in their case that there could be members of the terrorist organisation Islamic State among them, while many of them could come to Europe in order to destabilise the internal security situation in Member States of the European Union.