According to the Minster of State for Government Communication, if we do not succeed in stopping migration it could “ruin” the future of the country for the next 50-100 years.

Speaking on Hungarian M1 television’s Monday morning current affairs program, Bence Tuzson said that more and more countries now share Hungary’s opinion on illegal immigration. The country of the Visegrád Group, the United States, Australia and following Sundays election most probably Italy too, also do not want to become immigrant countries.

“The battle is no longer just going on within the European Union, but also in the United Nations”, the Minister of State said, adding that the proposal put forward by the UN blurs the definition of refugees and migrants who want to move from one country to another.

Later on Kossuth Radio’s “180 Minutes” program, Mr. Tuzson said that according to the UN migration is a human right that must be supported, and borders must be eliminated.

“In contrast, Hungary’s position is that migration is a bad thing, borders must be reinforced, and every country has the right to decide who they want to live with”, he underlined.