The Hungarian government expects migration and rule of law debates to continue in the European Union, the Chief Security Advisor to the Prime Minister said on the Tuesday evening programme of the public service television news channel M1.

György Bakondi added that they will do everything they can to make the European Union abandon its flawed migration policy pursued to date. They sincerely hope that the new Commission will stand for a new migration policy, he observed.

He also highlighted that until midnight on Monday this year, some 1,900 persons had attempted to enter the territory of Hungary illegally. Such a high number had never before been observed in the month of January, he said, adding that they expect this trend to continue.

In Turkey almost 490,000 illegal border-crossers have been apprehended, and this number does not include those who managed to pass through control points undetected. The masses heading out from Turkey are proceeding towards the Balkans route and Hungary, he said.

The Chief Security Advisor refused to state, even in answer to a question, by how many officers they have reinforced the protection of the Hungarian borders as this information constitutes sensitive, confidential service intelligence. At the same time, he laid down that officers in sufficient numbers are available to keep sensitive locations under ongoing surveillance and to maintain the stringent and stable internal security situation that characterises Hungary.